
Game is great. Co-op is fun and enjoyable. Single player was very fun and had spots that I just thought "wtf where do I go, what do I do?" which hasn't happened to me in a game in a long time. I don't care about DLC if it's just skins. I would have only been angry if the DLC opened up new content. Also, the graphics

What they did was ingenious and the rewards that came after were spectacular. They released the game early (it's already live and has been live for an hour or two as of this writing) for those on PC. Also, anyone that got all the potatos got a "Golden Potato" and received the Valve Complete Pack. Lastly, the potato

I know right? Got every potato in each game and they gave me hundreds of dollars in games in return and released the game early. I got so played.

If there's a backstory, you know it, even if it's not in the game.

I just want to say that your original post just looked as though you were slamming him for not having studied law throughout his (possible) years of college, which isn't uncommon. Not many people have the will, determination, brains and ability to remember that much of that type of information crammed into their

Will probably buy a second turntable depending on how my roommates like the game.

I like how you flex your e-peen and law study's all over this. I also enjoy how you bash on him simply for standing up for what he believed in. You sit there and point the finger and say how wrong he was for doing things white knighting it up when you yourself would never be able to muster up the ability to do the

While I haven't always agreed with Hotz methods of doing things but he did more than most of us and stood up for what he believes in. While he didn't win the lawsuit and he was more than likely advised to settle out of court, it was an interesting run with him and Sony. In all honesty, there was very little chance he

Got DJ Hero 1 and 2 today. Should be in the mail soon. <3 free shipping.

lol +1

Well, looking at the history of how these types of added hardware are from the past, most companies do the "release and forget" deal with them. They'll throw in something here and there that has to do with it, but other than that they usually dump them right away.

Doesn't quite change that they're on the box. Also, 5 dollars per character in a game known for having tons of characters? Really? It wasn't worth 10 dollars for 2 characters.

The DLC was retarded. I hope it didn't sell well enough. 5 dollars per character that were advertised with the game originally AND are on the box? Yeah...

First you compared charity to DLC. Idiot.

Just so everyone knows, they did get permission from Mojang to make and publish this. It was on the Minecraft forums for quite some time that it would be coming out. Interesting that it's out now. Maybe it'll get Notch to update the original graphics of the blocks. I won't buy it as I already own Minecraft.

Why don't you, uh, read the Community Policy. [kotaku.com] You were probably acting the fool and said some obviously stupid things.

As a past Gamestop employee (earlier this year. Quit because it was a terrible job), I'll let you in on some things.

Yeah it's been a semi known fact that Activision-Blizzard is looking to turn their Battle.net feature into something similar to Steam. I'm actually not surprised that Gamestop is looking to rival Steam as well since Steam controls most of the PC gaming sales. The hard part will be getting those that have the vast

Pretty clever really. The box honestly does not state that SCEA doesn't exist and the base of operations is indeed in Japan. He can honestly argue that point as Sony is a company that is known to be originated in Japan. What's more is that if you don't live in California, there is a much higher chance that you

Assuming the amount of inmates doesn't go up (lol) and that the price per inmate stays at 53k and is not higher (lol again), here's what I got: