
Man that Andrew guy... he has such a terrible job... He should let me take it from him.

Rather just get a 560Ti . Half the price, not a huge performance difference... Especially not a 200+ dollars difference of performance.

for about 6 bucks, looks semi fun haha. Reminded me of a mix between Goldeneye, CS and Fear.

If you kill someone where you had the full intent of killing them and in no possible way it was an accident, then they're doing the right thing. He drove a truck into random people and started stabbing. Other countries should take example to this and kill murderers. It's a complete waste of money to keep them alive

Man that sucks for them both that they were once in such a B movie.

Everyone on their face has something wrong with it, whether it be a huge mole or some random abomination that just shouldn't be there.

Was that Seth Green?

McDonalds sold it about a year after buying it.

What GamerGuy2002 said. I remember back when I was on Cingular. Feelsbadman.jpg

This alone as urged me to go pick up the game to try it out now. I've been putting it off for a good while because I, like you did, wrote it off before I tried it.

Yeah I'd just get 7. I know it's cheaper on Newegg at least for the Ultimate version. Instant $45 dollars off.

Press START to start the demo!

Don't get me wrong at all, those quests are boring as all hell and don't really progress the story and are also seen 100x over throughout WoW. I'm still very much looking forward to SW:ToR.

You complain about people being unsportsmanlike and that people shouldn't celebrate yet... you have someone's boobs as your avatar, either gf's, friends, the person you stalk or relatives. Sorry you lost me when you turned down Hypocrite Lane.

Mine is every day. Helloooo San Diego!

He PAID them. PAID. MONEY. I guess you keep skipping that part, you know, the part where the guy did get paid. Then they hired him again and paid him again. He was willing to work for that price, just as when you take a job you're willing to work for that job for the price offered. There's a reason art isn't my

Image rights are fine as they bought them from the artist. IP rights... well... they'd have to get everything done legally but could be easily fixed. You can start off with a name and not get it copyrighted/registered and someone else can buy it of which you'll either A. Have to buy it off them or B. Get a new name.

Well, again, if you read the quest it tells you. For instance the 12 gnolls quests that you get in the human starting zone, they say to do it in the quest to help whittle down their size in the area of them to help out the area.

Yeah I want to see how they make it work out instead of just being another trooper or sith or jedi since during those times both jedi and sith are supposed to be fairly common. If they can really immerse you and make you feel like you're a unique part of the story then that will indeed be awesome.

Who buys blu rays for more than 15 dollars?!