
Uhm.... if you actually read the quests, there's a story... Nice job there EA. Just because not everyone has a high enough reading comprehension to be able to read most quests doesn't mean the story isn't there. Hell I'm not even sure how much I'm going to be listening to the npc's actually talk since I can read far

I can't think of anything that I've lied about in video games. I usually accept my faults and say when I haven't done something yet or if I don't have any plans on finishing something. I'll say one thing though... I do suck at Starcraft 2 online multiplayer. For whatever reason I just can't seem to beat most people at

Shit I play World of Warcraft as if it was a single player game. I only join groups out of necessity and barely talk to others. To me it's just a huge single player game that has others that help me to my own end. The only people I actually talk to and go out of my way to play with in WoW are my RL friends. Other than

What Kanjio8 said. I own a Zune and an iPhone (as well as used to have an iPod). That was the one thing I hated with my iPod was that it could be a royal pain in the ass to sync it to shit as Mac hates everything non Mac.

Yeah that makes sense to get banned from a single player game because you got banned on the forums... Oh wait...

This is getting to the point of stupid. I don't like GeoHotz and Sony's going absolutely ape shit over this. It's getting super retarded. I mean seriously, how many people live in New Jersey compared to California? To use that as a means of "lets rape his shit backwards in California and not New Jersey" is just stupid

Yeah... the 3DS didn't seem that great to me to begin with. I love all the new additions to the DS and I do want the little stick but is it worth the upgrade from a DSiXL that I got for 120? No. No it's not.

This type of issue has become a heated debate between myself and some friends recently. There's too many games that developers are releasing that are expecting people to dish out more for less with these little micro transactions. Video game developers are really starting to nickel and dime their customers and it

Everything is good in moderation, work included.

Wondering the same thing...

As someone that's actually played it on all three (I bought it on PC, friend bought it on PC, another on PS3 another on 360) I'm going to say that Lamia is a damned liar. It was garbage on PC for me and my friend and most people that tried to play it. It crawled to 5fps or lower constantly and, as he stated, turned it

Makes perfect sense to me and I could actually envision Wolverine doing the combo as I was looking at the button map. Just takes *lots* practice and a willingness to sit down through it.

@beachgaara: Yeah, people don't understand that teaser trailers tend to be pretty awful.

Wow. This is why I don't like parents that give their 10 year olds microphones.

@travisco_nabisco: Oh I know this. I still buy used games the vast majority of the time simply because I usually can get a game for 20-30 dollars cheaper used than new. It's not often that I'll buy a new game that isn't for PC.

They could release their remixed versions of Kingdom Hearts.

@IronEnd: The word "Kotaku" is based off the word "Otaku." Otaku is term usually used for people obsessed with anime, manga and/or video games.

What a stupid ride to die on. Well, my condolences to his friends and family.

@alcablue: I honestly couldn't care what the difference between a clip and a magazine is, but I also don't ever handle guns so it doesn't really apply to me.