
Even though I see my girlfriend and my sister with her husband confirm that she exists, I sometimes worry she's a hallucination and I'm really imagining my life in a padded cell somewhere because what's she doing with a slob like me?

Brawl is fine until you start having tournaments with it At tournament level, Brawl is painful. Painful for players and painful for viewers. Some people do enjoy it even then, but its clearly not enough to support a tourney scene anymore. Which is why Melee is back in full bloom, Project M has outpaced Brawl in

It's not that everyone hates it, but the pace for anyone above the casual gamer is too slow, and the characters are unbalanced, meta knight is so OPd that he had to be banned otherwise. Other characters became so gimped that they aren't fun to use at all (I agree some moves needed to be balanced like the knee and

Brawl has a few problems I would say. I started getting into Smash on Brawl recently and switched to Project M, alot of things are well balanced and the game overall feels faster. Also, alot of things lead into combos unlike Brawl where alot of attacks send your opponents too far for you to lead up on it. Add the fact

Project M

"I'm Pretty Sure Sunset Overdrive is Ratchet & Clank Reskinned"


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of course they did, they put actual effort. this is a sham of a light suit for SSB4.


Project M did it better.

Finkle Einhorn? Seriously? Hahahaha that's fucking awesome.

"Finkle Einhorn" isn't that an Ace Vetura reference?

Sigh... Click the Open Tournament Golf link...

Like the Fusion Suit? I can dream, right?

I hope they aren't trying to sell what Samus is wearing as some sort of Light Suit from Prime 2. She deserves a LEGIT alternative costume!

Luigi, what!? what!?

Except that baby is still in its pouch. If it was supposed to be mega, whoever made this used the wrong image, cause that aint.

I didn't play Final Fantasy IX until about 2003. In fact, I'd barely played any RPGs. I never had a Super Nintendo or a PlayStation, but my best friend let me borrow his tiny PSone for an entire summer because he had a PlayStation 2 that did the job. He handed me the system, and a stack of SquareSoft games, and that