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“When the woman called the police, they pushed her to not press charges, saying it was only her word versus his.”

Yeah, it’s called “strict liability,” and it’s one of those (somewhat) rare instances where the law doesn’t care what your intent was (i.e., whether you knew they were underage and proceeded anyway). If “she told me she was 18" was any kind of legal defense, offenders would use it each and every time, and in the

Is this really the world we want to live in, where we scour through people’s social media posts to find something questionable they said TWO DAYS AGO to destroy their careers?  Honestly, who even cares what a school superintendent said when he was only 53 years and 263 days old?  How do you know he isn’t a completely

Statutory rape is actually rape.

Do you think it’s more likely that the government set him up (for what ends? It’s not like he’s holding the keys to the 3D printed gun kingdom or anything... it’s all open-source), or that this dickhead libertarian who has already shown a penchant for ignoring laws and rulings he doesn’t agree with decided to pay for

Then again, people like this that I know will say things like “old enough to bleed, old enough to breed”

We get it dude, you're a libertarian 

First off, it’s very common for abusers to hide that aspect of their personality for a long time, then to unleash it on their victims without warning. Secondly, women are often socialized to view warning signs(eg, possessiveness) as romantic behaviour. Thirdly, it doesn’t matter if there were warning signs!!!!! No one

Yeah, it’s really easy to say “lawyers” suck and everyone sues too much. But what should your average person do when a giant corporation cuts corners and hurts them?

The media demonizing plaintiffs is a huge issue as well.  How many fucktards have you heard say “YOU JUST GOTTA SPILL COFFEE ON YOURSELF AND GET MILLIONS OF DOLLARS” not knowing she required skin grafts and died penniless.  Or the guy who “burned his dick in the shower and sued his landlord...” that got a lot of play

“No, mostly just the US. Americans will sue over anything, and American society has evolved into “Cover your ass above all else” as a direct result.

Everyone hates people who sue until something happens to them.  Everyone else’s lawsuits are frivolous ambulance chasing but their injuries are grave injustices that must be resolved.

They should keep Tom Brady inside on days like this. Put him in his bandana and let him sit on the couch with you. He loves that. 

This is kinda like arguing that some members of the Trump cabinet aren’t that bad. Which, sure, they’re not as bad as Trump! But they still work for him.

Sollenberger has become exactly what he created PFT to parody. 

Imagine if more of them were literate!

Cheers to Lauren and Laura for 1. calling this asshole out and 2. being able to publicly laugh it off.

“I’m for critical thinking and conspiracy theories”

The proper thing to do in this scenario, regardless of motivation or context, is to not hang around the guy you dumped. Her still being there, for whatever reason, is mean enough, on its own. Being left for your sibling almost always sucks, which makes it worse!

I am bemused at the pervasive assumption that the guy who got dumped is some sort of prize Nice Guy (TM) and everyone else is the bad person. His best case scenario is that he’s so obtuse he thought he was about to get married when really he was about to get dumped. BEST case scenario.