
I came her specifically looking for a "Jackal" reference, so #bless.

The first beer can (and only, actually) I found in my bushes after I bought my first house almost gave me a heart attack. I realized then I had gotten "old." Get off my lawn, kids. Or at least use my recycling bin. It's right there, for Christ's sake.

Did white men start it? Or did they appropriate ideas from existing forms of government and then force their slaves to build it on stolen land while they sat back on their lazy, entitled asses?

Don't forget the hard working costume, make up and SFX departments that made the scene possible. That means multiple sets of clothing for each actor had to be sourced, shopped and purchased, then altered, cleaned, laundered, prepped, set in rooms and maintained on set. That means gallons of fake blood, maintaining

This was one of my least favorite of these videos. It's obnoxious to see them essentially slut-shaming the hell of Kim Kardashian. I'm not really a fan of Kim, but the idea that she's trashy or doesn't respect herself because she did this shoot is annoying. I'm sick of the idea that women who want to show their bodies

Rephrase yourself.

I KNOW RIGHT? I feel kind of like a shit because the first thing I thought of when I heard this was, how soon can we travel there? I mean, I know I could have gone via Canada or Mexico or something, but I just didn't want to risk it because I'm a weenie. But if I can go now? Hellz yeah.

Maybe this time he can also show his support for "enhanced interrogation techniques" by rehydrating rectally during his speech.

"I went there, they offered me a beer, and they did…whatever they were into. I saw a dominant with one of his two submissives," he says. There was plenty of kink... and plenty laughter. "I was like: 'Come on guys I know I'm not paying for this but I am expecting a show.' It was an interesting evening. Then going back

I think that tells you a lot about the dicks doesn't it?

I'm not totally comfortable with this article.

Excellent. I would like to reserve Chummy as the midwife of my hypothetical, future children.

I know several parents who keep photos of their children offline due to custody battles, one set of twins whose parents were avoiding it during the adoption process due to legal recommendation, and there was a group of students at the high school I worked at whose images couldn't be shared online because they had

I cringe so hard when I read fanny-anything on an American site. In the UK fanny is an equivalent word to pussy. It makes me double-take so often with American media. Like Amy Poehler writing that when she was born 'her whole fanny' fit in her dad's hand!! Rose in Golden Girls looking forward to the sun beating down

Oh, I'm so sorry my feminism doesn't resonate with you! In the future, we'll be sure to run all feminism by you, for your personal approval.

there is always this bad connotation of bad smell, dirty stinky fingers and such

Maryland being Maryland, we actually have a decent-sized pagan population here.

When I was anorexic I prided myself in my "strength" and commitment. Reading this would have encouraged me. You have to be really careful when you talk about these issues because people often say things that will reinforce the behaviour in others. I used to read biographies of former anorexics and watch talk shows

Yeah it's funny how drug charges are easy to convict and sexual assault isn't. Not that there's any systemic discrimination behind that or anything. Nah!