
I haven’t yet, but I love Maintenance Phase with her and Michael Hobbes, so I’ll definitely give it a look!

I really feel we’re in the dark days of obesity medicine. I’m obese. I have been since I was four years old. I put myself on my first diet: I was 7. I was in a medically supervised weight management program at 11. Weight Watchers at 14. Atkins at 15. I have never known a conscious moment in which food and my body were

As a T1 diabetic, the cost of insulin, pregnancy and post-pregnancy care within the U.S. are absolutely beyond terrifying. I am exceptionally, ridiculously, insanely lucky to have had some vague inkling of “oh, this could get bad,” in college. I am American, but currently live in the EU, and describing my care

I don’t know, I don’t want to begrudge Silky in any way; she’s not my particular flavor of queen, but she is undoubtedly talented at what she does and has never deserved the fandom’s vitriol.

Thanks for the reply, no matter where!

I know this is tangential, but: how bad is Columbia, right now? I’m from the area and considering a trip back, but it would involve an international flight. A big concern I have is the vibe toward risk-taking and public masking.

It’s fairly well known, at this point, that part (and only part, because obviously there were other contributing factors) of Laganja’s difficulty on Season 6 was that she was not allowed to medicate. Regardless of what exactly weed does for a person, it’s indisputable that Laganja views it as part of her treatment

Super fair. I think, based on what’s being telegraphed by the edit, it’s Symone and she is excellent. We haven’t had a “absolutely run away with it,” winner since Bob. But I’m also not sure whether All Stars figures into how they build a narrative, so I don’t know if we’re in “Shea Coulee from Season 9" (“robbed

It seems obvious to me that Olivia (I’m betting around 70%) or Utica (like 25%) is the probable Miss Congeniality, which means she has to be in the Race long enough to make an impression - leaving really only as the season endgame solidifies. On a normal length season, the eliminations we’ve seen would only represent

I didn’t get everything, but I’m a U.S. expat living in Ireland for awhile now. The dad does have an exceptionally thick accent; Cahersiveen is out west in Kerry, a relatively rural area, that would have a long history of Gaeilge (Native Irish, distinct from Gaelic/ Scots Gaelic, Welsh, etc ). In essence, he said:


I’m really disliking the “but she’s not as funny!” tone to the comments section here.

I’m gonna recommend anyone with this opinion look really hard into why that’s their first response and decide if that’s really the hill they want to die on. If so,’s cool for the rest of us that you’ll be dead about it. 

I don’t quit on my favorites. I am a completist for most television, even when it’s painful. I ride the ride all the way to the end. If I picked it, I stick it out to see where it goes, I can only remember 2 or 3 times as an adult that I just jumped ship on a show.

All Stars 4 is really, really pushing my breaking

What I find weird about a discussion on this, is I have literally never heard a vegan be an asshole about their food choices, but they get shit on anyway. Like, do we all understand what reaction formation is? Because that seems like what is happening; those of us committed to eating meat, on some level, know it’s not


It’s amazing. And sadly, without an All Stars Winners Only season, she can’t prove that she can do it again! If I saw her do a fantastic second celeb (I hear her Liza is great!) play through, I’d probably change my mind. Dela winning both of hers (by like, full and complete domination, no one else anywhere close)

I definitely enjoy a dash of Shangela, and that particular talking head...totally on point (and that’s from me as Team!Trixie). But it’s sort of hard to find her balance. I hear amazing things about her shows and her dedication to her fanbase; she’s definitely a much more put together queen than she was before, and I

I’ve always felt there’s something unifying about struggling in a similar way. Seems clear that Thorg and Trixie both know their way around “I’m not good enough” anxieties, definitely gives their humor its bite, but also results in the dreaded “getting into your head,” situation.

I don’t think Shangela has literally

I wondered about that possibility! Her entrance look had been on an episode of Unnnngh; the headphones and body suit, and I remember really liking it. I clocked that I saw it again, but it makes so much more sense that both situations occurred at the same time. (As well as Trixie’s “Milwaukee” nutrition facts t-shit,

Another week, another series of feelings and weird opinions I need the internet to know about:

Yea. Milk is...I think I wanted to like her. I did legitimately love her original bearded look, and while I thought her boy!Ru drag was...overall a bit sloppy (seeing the lines of the bald cap, cheaper fabric choice and tailoring than Ru would ever, EVER be caught dead in) it was nervy.