
Meh, the National Review is a pretty biased source. As is the USMC, to be honest.


To be fair, Jamie Foxx played someone legendary. Even with his struggles, the film did a good job portraying Ray Charles as a well-rounded person who eventually triumphed over addiction. But for the rest...right on the money.

I agree with your general idea, though I think Ray Charles was about as complimentary as most musician movies are. The addiction just made it more dramatic.

Everyone will be too busy sucking Eddie Redmayne’s dick to notice.

Yeah I’m with you man! I’d rather feel smart and superior by bringing down others and letting people know how much better I am in a snarky jaded way.

This criticism is hilarious coming from anyone reading Lifehacker.

Damn, dude. Bitter much?


One of the reasons i love/hate America.

Marie, that wasn’t an interpreter who explained things to Miss Colombia and then removed the crown. That was Miss Universe 2014. She was also Miss Colombia which contributed to the problem. The teleprompter read Miss Colombia as the winner. Harvey was probably reading off the teleprompter and only gave the card a

I’m a little disappoined. For that price, I would want more structure. Most things looked thin baggy. It looks like it should be sold at Target, which is fine, but the prices are at least double what I would pay.

I’m 48 and I just found out that wasn’t true because you said so now.

Easy: God.

My mom convinced me that people could change their race.

When I was really young, like eight maybe, my family was friends with some neighbors. They were all white except for the oldest son. I was a kid in a super white town, so confused kid me asked my mom how white people could have a black child. My mother, rather

When I was little I went through a phase where I was plotting to run away with a sleeping bag and sleep outside somewhere. I was also, unrelatedly, super scared of dogs. So when my mom caught wind of my plan to run away, she told me that all dog owners let their dogs run free at night. I continued to believe this for

Eh. They were driving around my neighborhood on meth, with a loaded gun in the car, following a UPS driver, stealing packages off people’s doorsteps. So, I feel some pity, but also some fear of them. I think it’s more a portrait of drug use than general poverty (which I know, at times have correlation).

that last one

this is the best post that has ever appeared on jezebel

But we are not half Republican. His percentages are based off of likely Republican primary voters which is only a fraction of Americans. Nate Silver said his support is somewhere between 6-8% percent. I looked it up and that is the same percentage of Americans who are on Twitter, believe the moon landing was a hoax,