State of the union addresses where, instead of applause breaks, the assembled senators just shout “PLUS ONE!”
State of the union addresses where, instead of applause breaks, the assembled senators just shout “PLUS ONE!”
Yeah, I live at home and if I didn’t I would see my mom less and have less money. My mom is alone so I think this is better for her as well. We split the rent. It is like living with a roommate but one that likes me a lot.
Dallas? How has that not been a thing before? I don’t watch any of the RH shows but if ever there was a city that cries out “come film my gaudy, new money idiots,” it’s Dallas.
As a DFW resident...I CANNOT WAIT FOR HOUSEWIVES OF DALLAS and I need more info. Hurry it up Bravo.
You have a point and if she had just said “I am uncomfortable talking about money”, fair enough. I think when anyone starts essentially saying, “well, it’s not a problem for me, so I cannot understand the fuss”, it gets people’s backs up.
I had a high school boyfriend whose father would proudly tell us he was looking for to the show because of the sexy ladies. This was at dinner, in front of his wife. He would also tell racist jokes.
I was referring entirely to the 21.5k people who do follow him. Not to Tom individually or DS generally.
I live in a red county in a red state. I just had to give my name. That was it.
This totally reminds me of this Hari Kondabolu thing
Yes! I have had pizza that tasted like bread-like cardboard topped with tomato paste topped with shredded cheese-like cardboard.
You know what? I don’t watch the NFL, I don’t buy the merchandise. And yet I still have to endure the fact that, around the water cooler on Monday morning, people that I love and esteem will be casually using a racial epithet that describes me and my largely-dead culture.
Ah, you’re right. If I were to read your comment and tell you to “stop emitting that strange noise when you flap your meat at me, you semi-sentient pile of elephant droppings,” you have neither a reason to be offended, nor the right to state that the statement is offensive. Likewise, were I to print out that phrase,…
Jayden’s parents SUCK. As well as the other boy’s. Gaahhh I was expecting endearing and I got same old bullshit.
His dad.
Oh Jayden. Who's been telling you those things? :(
Uh, no. There is a public right to know here.
I was taught nothing, but I discovered masterbation and orgasms around the age of 9-10, long before I understood sex. Excuse the tmi, but I would just lay on stomach and put something soft underneath me and swivel around until climax. I had a male friend and we did the whole ‘show your I’ll show you mine’ so I had an…
That’s totally incorrect. EVERY major city in Texas votes Democrat for most of their state-elected officials and in the presidential elections. And if you’d like to boil it down, Houston is immensely more diversified than Austin. You get culture when you visit Houston; you get drunk when you go to Austin.