
Eddie Redmayne??? Eddie Redmayne???!!!!! That one, to me, was the biggest eyeroll of the night.

I just don't understand how even at 15 they don't get—this isn't going to end well. Are they convinced they will be fighting at not just locked away somewhere being raped all the time?

This is weird??????????

Haha, good! I am glad to know it wasn't possible. I was young. I just tried to get out of it by pretending it didn't happen.

I had gone to Vegas with a group of work friend(we were waiters so we were also the people we all hung out with the most).

Daily Mail = Trolling for Profit

He stated in an interview that this was going to be more of what people would want—so I think more lighthearted and fun.

Yes, this is totally a thing. Look what I found!

She sounds like she may have been homeless.

I can't even imagine the taste of having to drink enough vanilla extract to get drunk.

Yep, it definitely promotes a super unhealthy activity as funny and relatable. It seems like a surefire way to overheat all for the purpose of losing water weight which you will gain back the moment you drink something.

Of course there are issues with counterfeiting—it's illegal, copyright infringement, and lord knows there's nothing worse than biters and idea-plagiarists...

I went to college with her. She is the nicest person!

This makes me realize how gendered model poses really are.

Ahh, I was wondering how "stuggle for the gun" and "charged at him" could happen in the same story. Thanks for clearing that up as far as making it seem that much more unbelievable. I never in a million years imagine a teenager getting shot and then deciding to charge, unarmed, at the guy with the gun who just shot

There is something I don't understand. Isn't Wilson' argument he shot Micheal Brown during a fight for his gun? Wouldn't forensic evidence of how far away he was from Brown prove/disprove this easily. Like if he was over 100ft away how could it be self defense?

why would this create an onslaught?

What would be the motive? Are they thinking it was just a crazy boyfriend or was more organized crime involved? 19 years old. Jesus fucking Christ.

Yeah, it's the blindfolded part I would never go for.

I mean: Does she know that people usually stay up for 16 hours a day?