
I know that I am late to commenting, but I hope someone might have some insight.

This is empirically untrue. The proof — and lots of it — is easily found at The Hawkeye Initiative, which takes art of female characters in comics, redraws them as men, and reveals exactly how men are virtually never drawn in the same position (and, as a bonus, often highlights how improbable the positions are in

The sweatshirt would be funny on a 4-year-old.

It is very strange to me.

And I REALLY want them to cover this:

I really wish there was a way to block them. Someone needs to create an app so that you can surf the internet and never have to see a comment's section unless you want to. It's is like the "Entertainment" section of google news. I clicked on articles all the time, but once I blocked it, I never missed it.

I wish it was a brother and sister!

I actually agree wit KimK on Downton, but I hate her less than most people. I am sure people would ban the show and other dramatics.

I am totally victim blaming the human right now—such a tease!

This almost feels like satire, as if to say: "You want to fetishize youth in women well HERE. YOU. GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Yep, I always think of that when the talk about prize money—DON'T FORGET ABOUT TAXES!

If you have a society that says women are objects for your sexual pleasure vs one that says women are human beings deserving of respect, I think you get different rape rates. I think most people are capable of violence and for many different reasons choose not to be and often don't want to be. However, if one type

I think the bystander effect and cultural apathy towards sexual assault can actually create rapists and allow rapes to occur which otherwise would not.


What a nice response, thank you!

No, I didn't even know until you told me that he was a comedy writer. I thought he was just an actor who some people thought was funny and occasionally played funny characters. My second post was just saying that even if I had known he wrote and performed non-standup comedic material I still may have not thought of

I see. I tend to use the world comedian for those who do/have done stand-up even though that is certainly not the case.