Y’all are gonna make me cry before I go on camera. I love ya. Thanks so much for reading. The TV Club has quickly become my happy place. It’s a joy to write for you guys.
Y’all are gonna make me cry before I go on camera. I love ya. Thanks so much for reading. The TV Club has quickly become my happy place. It’s a joy to write for you guys.
Seconded. Joelle’s reviews are outstanding. They’re as good as anything that the AV Club put out in its prime.
I try not to let big plot twists factor into my assessment of a show’s episode, but I loved this one, and it very nicely thematically bookends the last one. Instead of a black character—with little power given his race and time—passing off as a white man wearing a mask, here we have an infinitely powerful blue giant…
If he’d gone straight from Lost to this, I would be deeply cynical. But he made The Leftovers and that was a show that made me a lifelong fan. Thus far he's paid off that trust. I don't think everything will get completely resolved ("Think I'll just, let the mystery be!") But I'm excited to see how this ends.
Definitely on Looking Glass - one of the 7K in his shelter was missing his mask, so got to figure he’s wearing it.
Veidt was on Europa. We’ve been following him in the past. He sent a distress signal that said “Save me daughter” that was for Trieu. On Europa, Veidt was gilded (“guilty!”) and became a statue. Trieu somehow retrieved him, and that statue was in the ship we saw crashing into the farm that she purchased. She set the…
The end credits lullaby-ish cover of “Life on Mars” is honestly one of the best versions of the song I’ve ever heard and I am so hoping it gets released.
Great review! This show goes well above and beyond the source material.
Also props to internet sleuths for figure out the twist early: the dildo’s name is Excalibur ——-> Literally for the Ex of Cal Abar.
Phew, I need to lie down.
What’s wrong with Kinja? Tried posting via Safari, Chrome and Opera and nearly pulled my…
I feel some mild panic at the sheer amount of stuff that needs to be wrapped up in two episodes. I sincerely hope Lindeloff keeps his promise and this really is a self-contained season, but there is so much left to wrap up.
Ike dumping out the chip bag and putting it over his head in the grocery store when Sheila was loudly talking about her fecal transplant was worth the price of admission.
“Talk about anal retentive.”
Uh... actually, Heather Swanson did appear in the episode, she was in the crowd (near the back-right) when Sheila was giving her big speech.
He’s a little young to be complaining that comedy is impossible these days. Like dude you’re 26 maybe you got famous at a young age, but you should be adaptable still.
Frankly I wish she was a lot less culturally relevant. Like maybe going away. Forever.
I’m definitely not gonna go get the Paper, get the Paper.
Really great episode, and not least because it gave us so many answers. I love Tim Blake Nelson, and I hope the ending isn’t implying he’s about to get written off the show. Also, he’s just about the only person from this generation with something like a superpower.
The senator’s pun was a groaner, but the support…
Room 237 is the room from the Shining. Is this possibly the same room as Ramirez and Benji were staying in when he tried to kidnap the German woman?
Nice call on the anagram.
You kind of missed a lot of stuff here. For one thing, we know that this season follows the same ghost rules as previous seasons, so yes. There can be ten year old ghosts. Also, she said Bobby’s ghost IS there, he just won’t appear to her. The implication seems to be that he’s haunting the lake.