
how. how did the horny nonni just keep going and going and going and going. it was like the writers got stuck with 15 minutes to fill and sic’d Kate on the host instead of writing another sketch.

I loved the POV shot from the ants who help at picnics reversing course with the champagne bottle they were helpfully bringing. I hope and pray we can see the otter turn-down service because....duh....OTTERS ARE WONDERFULLY CUTE!

Jason was hilariously Jason this episode. It never fails to amuse me.

Looking forward to

Number 42 was watching “Mamma Mia, Here We Go Again” according to Janet’s list of things humans do to cope with relationships ending.

Ooh, I really hope Glenn has broken off from The Bad Place and is going rogue to help the others.  There’s only so much time one can spend in a cocoon before one breaks.

Every other season we had a reset button hit the previous season finale so they all started from the beginning. They all reverted back to how they were at the moment of death (plus a little subconscious improvement). But this time they (all but Chidi) remember their experiences. It doesn’t make them perfect but it

Now that we know the show has twists, turns and fakeouts, I’m watching this season with that in mind.

“That’s OK homie, that’s just what motorcycles do”

Yeah, no Simone and no Derek make me go... something, something...

I just googled her new show and, oof... you weren’t kidding. I feel like she must’ve been slighted with some contractual bullshit because it’s hard to imagine her willingly signing up for this crap that will surely be playing 24/7 on the Bad Place.

Crazy new theory corner: Michael is God?

Easily my favorite of the season so far, mostly because we got back to Chidi in stressed mode, which is still the best. Favorite William Jackson Harper line reading this week was his weak “Tea. I was going to offer you some tea.”

It’s Glenn. The guy on the thing. Calling it now. He was listed in the credits, but not in the episode. He’s the guy at the end.

In season 3 she does an absolutely flawless non regional American accent.  I’m kind of disappointed that her followup to this show is going to be a mean spirited game show that will probably last half a season. does episode 42 NOT at least mention the answer to life, the universe, and everything?

It’s so odd to think that Jamil hadn’t really acted before this show when she seems to effortlessly nail a moment like that alone-at-the-party story.

I thought Chidi delivered the best straight line of the night:

Michael claiming to have invented the word “chillaxing” was funny, but then they quickly one upped it by saying it’s a mix of “Chidi and relaxing.”


and even the worst teams win a third of their games.

Clearly not enough bat flipping...