
She typed the soft part loud.

I thought this has been a fairly decent season, and tonight’s offering was no exception. Love me some Krusty the Klown, and very little Lisa made this all the more palatable. I also thought there was a minor dig at Travolta and Battlefield Earth; I can’t remember the exact quote, but something about a washed-up actor

I loved this episode precisely because it was so “Broad City.” One thing; finding it a bit tough to watch Jaime since I saw season 2 of Narcos. He was very convincing as a Colombian drug lord’s son; difficult to see him any other way now.

The author has hit the nail on the head. In my opinion, Trump lies mostly to himself; because if he ever had a smidgen of self-awareness, he’d probably have to kill himself. He is such a sad, sorry, little man, living in his own carefully-constructed fantasy world. His parents did some kind of number on him. Why are

Dolores??!!?? Mulva???!!??

I always fall back on “It seemed like a good idea, at the time.”

First, a star for you. Second, I seem to recall reading that besides oil, there are some very valuable mineral resources there. Clearly, if we had a functioning Congress, they could stop this undeclared war and/or stop funding it. I don’t expect either of those things to happen, of course. A Constitutionally-required

Ummm, on a golf course? Just sayin’...

ID is NOT required in NY State except for certain circumstances. That was a vital part of our training. I know it’s not the case elsewhere, but I’m confining my comments to this state. Requiring ID from someone who has already registered is GOP bullshit, anyhow. It’s voter suppression, pure and simple. There is a

I just did my first stint as a poll worker in September, here in New York City (Queens.) If your name is not found on the rolls, just ask for an affidavit ballot. It’s submitted in a sealed envelope, also be sure to fill out all the information asked for and sign it. It will not be electronically scanned that day, but

I seem to recall seeing a story that he’s coming back in a limited role next year. Cone and O’Neill balance out Kay to a certain extent. It could be worse; SuzYn is only on the radio.

“Just deserts” as things you deserve. Dessert is what you eat after a meal. I will die on this hill. English spelling is so weird...

I don’t mind the suggestions, and sometimes find them useful. My only complaint is the excessive! number! of! exclamation! points! Mr. Lippman does not approve!!!

Shapiro (aka “The Virgin Ben”) has been a smarmy little idiot for some time. Good on Ms. Ocasio-Cortez for not rising to the bait. Why on earth would she want to waste her time talking to this little dweeb?

“Mariner Finance delivers a valuable service to hundreds of thousands of Americans who have limited access to consumer credit.” And so does Prison Corporation of America. I always hated Geithner, this just cements my revulsion of him and his kind.

But he’s always been such a fine, upstanding individual.

I just wanted to pop in to offer one more vote for “Simply Heinz.” I hate HFCS and avoid it whenever possible. This stuff tastes good and doesn’t use that slimy chemical crap. Cheers!

You are correct, but I think they were going for a Frenchified version of “The Desolate Place” or “the desolation” (la désolée)...(Google translate gave me “l’endroit désolée” as a better version.)

Yet another artist revealed to be a shitty human being. Can we judge the art separately from the person who produced it?