
One space when using proportional typefaces, two when using monospace. This nonsense about the “same number of pixels between characters” ignores the idea of kerning. I also applaud those who have pointed out that modern web browsers collapse multiple spaces into one. A study of 60 students is not statistically

I must know; are we still doing phrasing?

There’s a similar joke regarding champagne; I want the real thing!

‘unethical and untethered to truth,’ sounds completely accurate to me.

You can also access the system info from “About This Mac” under the Apple menu. (About This Mac/System Report...)

I used to work in the IT department at my firm and far too many IT “experts” didn’t know the difference between “reply” and “reply all.” Some time before that, someone opted to make their “out of office” message “reply all.” Good times, especially when the mail server crashed. Retired now, and happy.

Oh, please, he just pulls stuff out of his ass. I do wonder if he believes his own bullshit, or if he wants us to do so. He’s delusional and a known liar; just the qualities I want in the White House.

Brown did an excellent job, but one of the highlights for me was finally giving Melissa Villaseñor some decent air time. Best episode in some time, imho.

Raymond Massey played “Johnny” in the film. IIRC, Karloff originated the role on Broadway, and per Wikipedia, was unable to film the role as he was still appearing in the play.

Some people have too much money and not enough sense. Yay, capitalism!

He is either delusional, or the world’s greatest liar. I’m going with #1.

Eli Roth is a low-rent copy of Quentin Tarantino. I was pleased to see that this POS is rocking a 14% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Saw the preview a few weeks ago, and this simply validates my decision to give this a pass. Also, Bruce Willis really can’t act. He scowls and mutters real well.

Because “different” is soooooo scary. I can’t wait until this kind of mentality finally dies off. (Yes, it will be a long time coming, but I do hope it will soon become a minority opinion.)

I’m reasonably certain that option is available for NYC MTA Metrocards. It’s a bit complicated, but then, I repeat the original post.

“I hate every ape I see,
From chimpan-A to chimpan-Z.”

Being on Twitter for an extended period of time is guaranteed to make you a worse person.

$200-250 for a trash can? Some folks have too much money.

$200-250 for a trash can? Some folks have too much money.

I highly recommend this printer. My only regret is that I didn’t spring for the unit with the scanner attachment. Works great, cheap (generic) toner is just fine and it was fairly easy to hook up to my network. One less USB port to worry about, what’s not to like?

I highly recommend this printer. My only regret is that I didn’t spring for the unit with the scanner attachment.

I’d like to add a vote for Road Scholar ( I participated in one of their tours to Cuba a few years ago and it could not have been a better experience. Great guides (U.S. and Cuban), we visited several cities and had a wonderful time. The Cuban people are always glad to interact with American

It’s only “too many” until you have 11 devices to charge.

It’s only “too many” until you have 11 devices to charge.