
But you will die that much happier. So, you got that going for you, which is nice.

Curious. My first thought was of "Jackie the Jokeman" Martling. Same difference, I guess. Somewhere, "Dave De Butcher" is smiling.

Way to pull off the Billy Crystal-inspired "White Man's Overbite." Stop exhibiting cliched behavior, please! I don't care how much money you're worth...just stop.

+1 for the excellent use of the term "oud." (Believe it or not, I actually know what the damn thing is, without running to Google!)

In the words of a great philosopher (Frank Zappa)

The left out the rest of that quote; other things James Dolan does not "own":

You'll sooner see him moving "up the ladder" to Faux Sportz. Imagine, a Rupert Murdoch outlet making something up? Do, you'll say Fox News is not Fair and Balanced! I blame Obama.

Well, considering the fact that we are some six months (give or take) away from the playoffs, it might be just a wee bit premature to finish off the Nets' season already. But this is New York, where one must succeed (or fail!) overnight.

Dihydrogen monoxide. Google it, if you dare! Also, too, anyone who willingly parts with money to buy "melted ice" really deserves to lose it.

My thought, exactly. She could have let the lizard grab the "meat" she was trailing, and run away while he was eating it. I'm sure he wouldn't have swallowed it all in one bite...yikes, that was dangerous!

Worst ever? I beg to differ...

Do you wear blue contacts and have a chin implant? If not, GTFO, Stevie!

I used to hear several variations on this theme when I lived in the Atlanta area. "What's the best thing about Alabama? Something has to stand between Georgia and Mississippi!" Or, "What's the best thing to come out of Alabama? I-20!" Good night, folks, be good to your waiters and waitresses!! Try the veal!

Now playing

I like your style, Dude. (Carlin made this point a long time ago.)

Curiously, I see nothing in this announcement about the popularity of Australian Rules Football. (Oh, yes, I watched ESPN in its infancy.)

Oh, please don't mistake me. I eat both with pleasure, but I was not the first to do so! I know what you mean about taking milk from other species, but I can assure you; if cows could breed and milk us, they would not hesitate to do so. I wouldn't try it with a cat...(apologies to Mr. De Niro.)

Milk?? The bravest man (or woman) in history was the first to eat an oyster or an egg. Think about it. Also, too, J.J. Cale's version of "Cocaine" (he did write the damn thing!) is miles above Clapton's dreamy interpretation.

What's the problem? I sy, every dy a holidy, every mel a bnquet. [broke "A" key on keybord.}

"Not like people say!!" Dolan is just the latest in a long line of sons failing to meet the standards set by their (famous) fathers. Not that I am a big fan of Charles, but he seems positively smart in comparison to his ninny of a son. No rings for the Knicks as long as this bearded troll owns them, I say.

Pro tip: it ain't no act. I do hope this miserable POS is unemployed for the rest of time. He's a perfect example of what people hate about the NFL. Big, loud and bigoted. No way to go through life, son.