Seems like a good time to dust this one off:
Seems like a good time to dust this one off:
TFA doesn’t mention it, but I am 100% sure the car buyer was a white guy. If it had been a POC the Laredo Sherriff’s Department would have sprained their wrists patting themselves on the back over their, “massive drug bust.”
You can pretty much stuff that much coke in the new BMWs 4 series nostrils.
Not at all defending this shithole of a website, but web browser has nothing to do with your “$12000 iPhone.” Just because you overpaid for a device because of it’s camera, that has no indication or reflection on how a web browser is going to handle/load a website.
Wouldn’t that better be I caught a sea bass, at least it’s not a c shark?
While Canadian Police, and Canadians, will no doubt still be reeling from the Nova Scotia shootings last month, which killed 22 people,
Hell, even if it was a real gun, she’s a Storm Trooper, it’s not like she would have hit anything.
This sea bass is making is making me thirsty!
Some cursed switch in my brain flipped the other day and started reading all the fish and bug puns in a Seinfeld voice and I can’t make it stop
Well he’s wrong, it’s terrific. Never apologize for a pun.
NRA is pro gun control right now.
>Both are groups of armed protesters exercising their Second Amendment rights and using guns as a prop much like the French Yellow Vest protesters employed guillotines.
This is the most balanced gun story that I’ve ever seen on The Root so kudos.
Copyright protection and data security are very different tasks performed by completely separate teams.
Agreed. It’d be really interesting if companies made some of their old consoles and games open source. They could still legally limit using it for profit but I’m sure there’d be a ton to learn.
See this is the kind of leaking I can get behind. Unlike with Last Of Us nobody is having their hard work ruined or their game spoiled, it’s just a glimpse at history we otherwise would have never seen.
Funny how the Tesla die-hards were standing behind the EPA when they tested the Taycan. The tables have turned and now here they are claiming the EPA is full of shit and does poor testing.
We all know that key is a fake, just for the ceremony. The real key looks like this:
So many people are like “they’re not UFO’s!!!!” and then I sit here thinking... they’re unidentified, they are flying, they are objects... so yes, they are. And then I worry about the state of the human population when something like UFO automatically means alien/interstellar.
I have complete confidence in Donnie’s Space Force Rangers and their new bleach guns facing down any extraterrestrial threat.