What even is this game.
What even is this game.
Not sure how you could end up in this situation unintentionally. It’s easy enough to cycle through resident choices by just visiting a mystery island over and over again until you see one you like. Don't talk to the resident there and they won't move to your island.
You just hate to see it...
Sounds like your residents have you pretty fried.
I have a decent mix of animals on my island. (Phoebe was one of my original 2 animals, actually.) I have 2 squirrels, Sheldon and Filbert, Tangy the cat, Flurry the hamster, Diana the deer, and an eagle named Keaton who is my least favorite villager just because he’s kind of generic. I also have a small stockpile of…
Try using nowinstock. It gives us “normal” people a chance to get our hands on these. I finally managed to get the Oculus Quest a few weeks back thanks to this.
She didn’t already learn that for her party being cancelled and being forced into quarantine for the foreseeable future?
She’s a child in quarantine, she's already getting denied access to friends, let her have some happiness.
Maybe that would have been a good time for that girl to learn that you dont always get what you want. This is something a lot of people will need to learn for the future.
Motherboard’s report says this is happening to webcams and VR headsets too.
I personally had to deal with this mess. A friend of mine has a little girl and wanted to buy her a Switch for her birthday. She was finally old enough to really enjoy having her own console. OF COURSE her birthday landed in this terrible time. We tried to help her find one for retail price but it was impossible.
I’m sure this is happening to much more than Switches. Opportunistic vultures.
Sounds like you weren’t around for the corrupted blood incident. It was actually quite interesting and fun when it happened.
Pretty interesting that the first 5G mast has just gone up in azeroth too.
Darn... had he not straighten out with the curb at 10 seconds into the clip, he could have done a full barrel roll on the side of the island.
The freeze frame photo reminded me of my fav show growing up.
That’s an overabout not a roundabout.