I love Scandal! GO SCANDAL!
I love Scandal! GO SCANDAL!
Asians. Making the unpossible!
@NorthernRoamer: ..............
@chickdigger802: Las Vegas!
@PinballFan: It's European Union Certified. Meaning this product has met the safety requirements for 30 countries and authorised for sale outside EU & EEA to Third World Countries.
@astrophotographer2: The altitude is proportional to the pressure generated between the vehicle and the surface of the water.
@seepheart: $299??!
@stupid face: Nice!
@MrGOH: Well best you don't try Chinese Century-Aged Eggs (Even though they don't even take a Month to age them these days!).
@danielrbischoff: Well that explains why you have a star....
This post makes me hungry.
@MrGOH: But fantastic when edible!
@Brian Ashcraft: But then they'll be wondering why you are cosplaying Jason.
well, Until i see how much the PSP2 cost, I'll reserve judgement.
@Boomaga: Nintendo. Saving cats.
@Super Chill Yorkshire Lad:I agree. You shouldn't belittle life, any life.
@FooFighting: A rich Mainland Chinese Citizen who has the money to buy a big expensive European/American Branded car, to travel about in a motorbike?
@The Anti-Fanboy: Well as i understand it, you get stuck in a traffic Jam.
@stupid face: Soul Edge was great! :]