
@Mythos: well, Reggie, you make a compelling argument. I guess i just have to buy it now....now...... GRRRAAAAAAAH!

Woah! i might get this! I love DOA! it was one of the few games i could possibly pull off a great combo.

@Cheese Addict: The Chinese does it too! Then again, there is a surprisingly numerous shared cultural stuff between Vietnamese and the Chinese.

@Gustavo Vila: oh Haruhi, I hope that's what he meant.

@GunFlame: was hit for 25 damage. GunFlame fainted.: Also, we use English for a lot of official government documents and such! Well, except government documents regarding immigration to the Mainland/that sucks! Also, for some of those little dai pai dongs menu's in Mongkok!

@mths: awww, thanks.

@fuchikoma: LOL. after reading that, It certainly does sound like EXaXXion!

@Mutatopotato: putting your clothes in the dirty basket doesn't count as washing.

@cheeseycom: The Cake is a li- oh never mind.

@mths: Well here is one, might be incorrect, but from the way I figured it out it goes a little bit like this!

@shroomer: Basically, it's like this:

@fuchikoma: It's always a shame see technology come out and leap ahead, only to be be later put back into storage never to be seen again. Just because the corporation don't see a market or for some other arbitrary reason.

@Deunan: Well, if you have finished the single player game already, sometimes it's pretty fun to do the missions with a specific weapon.

*Apple peers out from the Great Apple Walls at the gathering Barbarian hordes*

@CommodoreRake: "That's one handsome arse motherfucker right there."

@Ken: Yeah!