
@HighSpeedIndeed: Wireless charging can be done in under 10 minutes. (Higher Voltage = Higher Efficiency)

@Scott: Actually they quoted at 30mins, I forgot the voltage, but they said its about 85% efficient.

@Dogen: 22 degrees Celsius isn't cold! that's very warm!

@—Tito—: Yes it is! Because it is optimized for tablets and for dual-core processors.

@Saturn666: oh woops! Missed that! lol.

@Saturn666: Oh! you want a full size keyboard?

@kev: NVIDIA said they are setting up a "Tegra Zone" to communicate with potential and current Game developers to optimize all games to take full advantage of the Tegra 2 processor on both the Mobile and Tablet form.

@Saturn666: Why do you want those keys?

@kev: Just saw this!

@Justme8800: Oh woops, forgot you can already play GBC on android! :]

@ernie.: shuush. don't compliment us, not good.

@Rhainor: You forgot Amazon mp3 App, i hate that! Always autoruns at every reboot!

@Trideramentium: I run free ADW too, might consider the paid version, but i'm holding out for the Honeycomb ROM to come out, i want them to iron out the bugs first because i don't like paying for Apps and find out they don't work on the new builds.

...does that mean the opposite is true?

@BigBlueBox: Well, i'm not complaining, just means i can get an Import and use it in Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan and the UK!

@gary_7vn: It's Amazing, fantastic, absobloodylutely brilliant.

@wætherman: Yeah, I was already impressed with the original Dell streak, with an impressive 12 hour Wi-Fi/3G data constant use!