
@H. Doug Matsuoka: You aren't the only one! I seriously considered a Dell Streak when i was looking for a new main use mobile phone, the only thing that tipped me towards getting a HTC Z Vision Desire G2, was that i would look pretty silly holding that thing to my head for my phone calls.

@CustomFirmware: I dunno, i think those dual core phones, will finally be able to emulate GBC and PS2 games on Android phones!

@kev: Youare right, Androids strong points isn't games, wish it was though!

@Herabek: Oh. I didn't know you can fit your car into that room of Guns as well!

@Karlott: You and me! Would of made me spit out my coffee if i hadn't press play before i took a sip!

@Korbei83: "We don't need Women, I don't want to replace my Hobbies."

@Suce-fleur: Yeah! and the HK Police just stood there and did nothing.

awww! why is everything promoted in this thread? I wanted to play too!

@VeLAWLceraptor: My HTC Z Vision/G2 last for at leased eight hours with constant Wi-Fi Youtube/Internet surfing.

@Derek: At this moment in time, the stereotypical* image of Shanghai Men, cry in mutual sympathy.

@atomic1fire: ...then what happens when they walk into the house? Then lie on the bed?!

@MrHaroHaro: *glance at Mr. HaroHaro Username*

So...does that mean I won't be able to update my GBA/SNES/GENESIS/PSx Emulators for my Android device because Amazon deem them "Grey" area?

@xd.Balls: Buy a US$20 DVD Player?!

@DreamSequence: the virtual keypad sucks, but then again i'm using a FREE Emulator, so i can't really say it's going to be bad on all the other free emulators or the paid emulators. (Loads of them!). Maybe if you got a big screen like the Dell Streaks 4.3-5" monster or the Galaxy Tabs 7" tablet, the virtual keypads on