
@verset: Why is your comment highlighted in newbie red? yet you have a star?

where i come from, Gravy isn't suppose to be that watery.....

@MaxellDVD1: If you worked at Apple and put it on Steve Jobs car, and get caught doing it you definitely wouldn't be work at Apple.

@Bender: Dammn. beat me to the promotion.

Minecraft building has red rose on it.

@Robusto68: You can fire CATS with this? Where haz it been all my life?!

It's not a Secret War if everyone knows about it!

@N@tedog: You do know, Inner Mongol is part of the Chinese Empire?

@rathat: wow! that's...amazing!

@jchen1: Bu...but it'll be a harmless radiation free bomb! No fallout!

Well, whatever happens, this little incident will just be one of many success/failures on his way to billionaire!

@shahravi94: Well, not everyone is hardwired to the internet! :]

@fELIXADER: Just call it a Chaos Marine of the Traitor's Legion and call it a day!

@Brian Ashcraft: But who's fault is it that he has an unhealthy Alfa obsession? Like Father, like son!