@bowei437: Thanks and no problem! Us starred comrades gotta stick together! :]
@bowei437: Thanks and no problem! Us starred comrades gotta stick together! :]
@wiskinator: Yes. Because California Housing price market is exactly the same as Tokyo, Japan.
@CrispyAardvark: In an urban environment is just as hard, you're talking about moving Gas, Water, telecommunication lines, sewage and effects it'll have on neighbouring buildings!
@truthtellah: ...provided the USA has the budget! Do you think China will lend the USA more money to buy a bigger Super computer?
@Gregory Gammill: Well then, I guess you better have your fingers cross that China has the same laws as the USA......
@CrispyAardvark: Unfortunately, for you to build any higher in such an urban location can be so extremely expensive it's not feasible or practical at all!
@rashad123us: when you get to design, build, fund and ultimately live in your own home.
@taniquetil: This is why Love Hotels are big business in Japan! :]
@BazookaJoe: You have to compare it to the property market average.
@zadtheinhaler: well, 3rd Place isn't so bad...you still get Bronze!
@Expressed: That goes without saying, if the investigation does indeed show the parts are stolen, well, things might go to Apple's favour.
@Gregory Gammill: That goes without saying! I'm not disputing that. :]
@Manly McBeeferton: well, I've only to look back at my own childhood, to realise that statement is only too true!
@ZenInsight: if foxconn is legally liable to sell INDIVIDUAL COMPONENTS only to Apple Authorised "assembling" dealers, then Foxconn should be responsible!
@mathnerd881: You are assuming the laws in the USA works the same in China.
@vinod1978: It's not "stolen" if it is not legally forbidden, unless Foxconn has an EXCLUSIVE contract to sell the individual components (Which a majority of are used in many many different non-apple devices!)
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.4: wha_ wait you aren't grown up yet? :p
@Loo: Yay! :]
@Caeruleas: unfortunately for the Interweb, Japan, King of Weird Stuff has made us insensitive and unconcerned.