@bowei437: "It's called the Double Tap!"
@bowei437: "It's called the Double Tap!"
@Canoehead: He didn't say "Wife"! Just a "Mate".
@Robusto68: LOL! So much win. :p
@macshome: ....who has the funds, a solid design philosophy and the bloody balls to live in the place to take care of his Mother?
Wow. with so few things so clear cut in this world, this is one of those times when they mention "Master" this is something you can believe!
meh. i'm waiting for the android version.
@woshiernog: Nothing stopped games from doing that in the first place, the only thing stopping developers from doing that, is promoting the game and making it so addictive that people want to play it and want to buy it!
@Kevin856: you are lucky.
@BeHarsh: But referring to "Asian" in the United Kingdom and other commonwealth nations with British influence usually means "Indians" and "Pakistanis".
@RuckingFetard: why so pessimistic?
@Chernobyl: Super radioactive wasteland that is Chernobyl being beaten by a super Roach?
@qrius: silly. person, here in Hong Kong, we use NFC card for everything as well.
@Prostate of Grace: Well, i have to give her credit for ASKING for clarification of the order.
@tfskora: but your mirror image isn't on the interweb for everyone in your neighbourhood to see.
"Can love bloom on the battlefield?"
Well, to be fair, American Accents are hard to imitate.
@Nethlem: oh, that sounds like a good idea....
@SinDonor2: hey, blame Asian genetics! Not our fault our 20yr+ something girls look like they are 15!