@Twirlpool: NANDAYO NE?!
@Twirlpool: NANDAYO NE?!
@cloudsymph: use a proxy! I used one while i was in Shanghai.
@wirebrain: That's what she said! :]
@fELIXADER: Well that's sold it for me. it's GitS and I'm the Major Motoko I mean Mokoto Kusanagi.
@Andrew Liptak: Ah, well its an acquired taste that's for certain.
@PearceShea: Well, why not? you can make a game like Dead Space but with the mutation and put a little more realistic physics in it.
@shenmue2: Touche. you got me on that one.
@Daveinva: Sorry but I just despise Robotech for the long term damage it did to the Macross Universe legally.
@Alex_Mexico: lol. I know, i should be offend by the Chinese bloke in manchu/Han-style garb, but then again I'm Yue/Mongol/Hakka Chinese ethnic so technically its not at me. :p
@Nexus6: That's like asking why they haven't made a fantastic Macross-theme game like Homeworld or Armoured Core.
@NotEnglishSpeaker: that is funny, because I have the G1 original Google phone, I regularly play internet radio on it while commuting.
@Nexus6: I dunno, i guess the trailer reminds so much of the GitS universe!
@Torokun: personally i feel the same too, plus I don't have to sit indoors all day just to play this. REAL mobile game is brilliant.
@Jackstick: No. it's like the cute but popular high school girl, hanging out with the Sexy but cold sophisticated postgraduate girl.
@Cooking Utensil: Yay!
@LegacyCrono: Oh...
@Alex_Mexico: But can you be a "weaboo" if you are Japanese and live in Japan?