
@shenmue2: Well someone has the fight the good fight.

@shenmue2: Well, that's Ironic. Considering that your handle is Shenmue II, an awesome game that only had the Japanese Audio.

@UsernameExists: Because they put the "SS" in Professional Voice Acting?

Woops doubled posted!

Now playing


@Andrew Liptak: That's because Hymm Before Battle is part of the Poloseen series?

@bharrisuc: ...And I love them for it!

@Starwatcher: Baen rocks! always the best place to get ebooks! Cheap prices, multiple format options and best of all no DRM AT ALL!

@Odin: OMG! It'S!!

@junior ghoul: dammn right! I had lazer shone into my eyes for 30mins and miraculous my severe myopia was eliminated to 18/18 near perfect vision!

@Dekopan: such an epic soundtrack! it's the only soundtrack i keep playing on my music list from a fighting game. EVAR.