
PS3! PS3! PS3! PS3!

@WrongThinker: "The smart ones don't get caught pirating to begin with."

@pastaman44: You forced a poor man out of his work and let his seven kids and two chickens to starve in the Canadian winter?! you heartless bastard.

@cats_pajamas: Are you suggesting that all the piracy, black-market, shady business deals, and everything else in Canada is the result of Hong Kong immigrants?

@Pseudo_Hakim: Well...at leased one of you is getting twice as more sex...

Funny, in Mainland China they are pretty lazy.

@MrSnuffles: ...and don't get me started on the yellow robots!

Ah, Americans. making the highlight of my day on my news feed, next to the gun crime of the day.

@Aipaloovik: ...except outside of the USA, EULA that are activated without consent has been a legal grey area to enforce...

@m9105826: oooh, thanks for that. never knew about blender.

@Tommy Five: meh. hate using autodesk for solid modelling. Only use it when architectural clients come around, they love that shit. :/

@bsoft: oh only 100yrs old? i keep thinking it was older! Then again the only other old old railway i travelled was the London underground, which is like going a mile under to stations that are like bomber shelters and ride on miniature trains! (so cramp!) :p