
@KingHippo: which is ironic coming from a Hippo.

@dimes: ginger? naah. I'll rather wait for Honeycomb.

@alex-y: If you have a gigantic pool i think you'll have more then one of these little buggers.

@alex-y: If you have a gigantic pool i think you'll have more then one of these little buggers.

@alex-y: If you have a gigantic pool i think you'll have more then one of these little buggers.

@Kino: I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes

@kraed: LOL. I felt bad too that I noticed the Laughing Man shirt first! it looks cool!

@Dr.Evil4.0: ah, HongKonger wish they could do that!

@CaptainJack: yes, i guess when the make new underground metro systems they rather build it with a over hanging cable or/and add platform screen doors.

@DangerousLiberal: lol. ot sure how many in NYC, but HK had 51 station that need retrofitting out of 84, all custom fit as you say.

@shlni: I think the do, on one of their modern lines, I forgot which one but i'm sure you can wiki it! :]

@funnyfarm299: that is true. but i've seen the train stop incorrectly and the driver had to manually inch the train forward a bit to line it up so that the doors would be allowed to open.

@stan_i_am: well they finished the retrofit in 2005. Only the overground line station. e.g. previous government owned KCRC stations & the green metro line/oldest track with the last few stations above ground.

@brijazz: not a lot actually, the MTR Corporation (H.K.) has been consulted on Platform screen door installation for existing line in Sweden (Uppasala), Australia (Libscombe) and London (jubilee line) due to being the Worlds first modern underground metro system to completely retrofit all its existing stations with

...and this is why in Hong Kong, underground Metro Transport Railway has reinforced platform screen doors that seal the atmosphere and stop drunken/suicidal/accidental passenger from getting into the tunnels.

Planetside + Ghost in the Shell + Anarchy Online + Starship Trooper + system Shock 2 = DO WANT.