@Insecure Penguin: Zing! :D
@Insecure Penguin: Zing! :D
@Atomsk88: Funny enough, HIMEKA's "Asu e no Kizuna" Opening theme started rolling when i saw these pictures.
@ircmaster: Still no go. I want a tablet with a USB/HDMI port, swappable batteries and expandable memory SD slot, oh and a faster processor (red chip?)
@a sexy hot dog: If you think Apple isn't plague with Malware or deceptive apps then you have been a victim of the reality Distortion Field.
@Benedinho: Dunno about wrist guards but the neck brace is exactly what this vest does.
@NixonsGhost: My Neighbour Totoro! No wait! You should start from the classics!
@LordChris915: cos you know, if you put the British in, the Americans will only shoot them in the back!
@Kovitlac: lol. which is ironic since Liam Fox is from a working class Scottish rural family.
@Mrugby08: Well if you count being from a Working Class Scottish Family who used to live on a Council Estate (government funded housing) in the highlands of Scotland as "Upper Class inbreeding".....then yes. he is an upper class inbred daft bat.
@Jakliu100:I think the only Tea Parties that happen often is the ones in the USA.
@xmywreckingballx: So you mean Wush - oh forget it.
@VideoGameFan: Sorry, I keep re-reading my comments and I don't see anywhere in it that I mentioned that I "hate" America or talk "shit" about it.
@xmywreckingballx: You mean Wushu? The Sport?
@Walking Eye!:The Business-Casual Gamer: Then I'll play as an Inquisitor! Why?
@VideoGameFan: "You know that you can get the fastest speeds in the world in the U.S. right? "
@Hello Mister Walrus: Pedobear approves! Now get in the party van!
@Hunter.Wolf: I like your description! Succubus FTW!
@kitsuneconundrum: ...is that...a compliment? sorry I can't really tell.....
@Black2key: Its Japanese! It has to have sex! Just Like American games! They have to have guns!