
@peteer02: hates geofencing: Oh really?! I know Sweden got 100mbit as standard package (or they can go cheapy and just get 10mbit!).

@JabbaB: Why would you get a phone call from your ISP? sorry, geniunely curious, just the other day I download just over 2TB this month, 20-60GB isn't a concern for me! :]

@Omnimon: *Faithfully Sends food*

@hdorder: Apple wants a word with you....

@peteer02: hates geofencing: heheh. go easy on our poor American internet limited cousins! It's not there fault that they don't get 10mbits minimum web-pipes.

@Curves: knowing you are nuts is the first step to MAD GENIUS status! Or Recoverscuffydoo-uh something unimportant like that....

@rathat: Fantastic. However i think you lost your way, io9 is over that way..... :]

@Mary Ratliff: that was awesome. i can only imagine the theme song "1/2" playing in the background with all its Japanese guitar-solo riffing as you two walk down the aisle....followed by the groom cutting the cake with a bad arse Katana sword!

@M1A1D: ROYAL Marines GO!

@Nethlem: I'am! Love the one on the far bottom Left & Right, sexy!

@Nethlem: Yay! It works! Thanks for the picture!

@Nethlem: How come i'm not surprised that I CANNOT...LOAD...PICTURE....TWO??!

@Decoy_Doctorpus: no sound at all? does that mean you can't hear yourself breath? Or the hear things "plink" against your armour or the rockets boot vibrations?

@Rawrnosaourous: well...they do work there...last time I checked, people who work gets paid.

@devonthedude530: Well, you do know, China has far many women then men.....Well that was my impression when i was walking around some of cities.

@Relic142: Guangzhou? Don't you mean "CANTONESE" Food?

@Bubbleman! Atlus is the new Squaresoft. SquareEnix is the Japanese Activision: I'm a little insulted that you did not include Hong Kong in that list when you mentioned South Korea and Japan, yet have the nerve to mention "China" in same sentence.

@Druxk: Communism? What does North Korea have to do with this?