
@gonzo_monkey: Yeah, they pressure the blokes by threatening to break up because they are taking so long to...proposal?

Dengeki online. Putting the "genki" in erm..."genki"......

Actually 90's kids were more then likely to touch an IBM if their school had a library or there was one nearby, because they always had the last decades tech.

@Goof_Troop: Bullet is going though the sonic barrier, hence the after-affect "Air cone" created in the wake of the projectile. :]

@Steven Callas: It the cone of air created by the bullet breaking the sound barrier.

@Conting3ncyP1an: You should try Hong Kong Style pigeon! Never enough meat on the bone! But gotta hand it for the succulent BBQ flavour! Something even the so-called H.K. "roast" chicken lacks!

@Shivver: But Kat is from & based in the U.K. don't see why she shou-

@NaraVara: Not having a Utilikey myself, I thought the same thing when i first glance at it, I was wondering "what an odd design that'll get your palm/fingers cut!".

@JesusDeSaad: ...but there is an up-down on a galactic scale in relations to the galaxy alignment. (apparently the Galaxy is a "flat" spiralling "disk") :p

@sierraviridian: Spinning only gives us gravity if we live on an inverted world! (Inside the ball!)

@corpore-metal: You are right. It's Annoying! *shake angry fist*

@Dehnus: WaaGH University? Is that the polite name for Manchester University?

@Raso719: Except the manga of the anime (2002) which is "based on this game" came out in 1989! Yup!

@Zinger314: I can almost taste the jealousy from this post....so bitter!

@CaptainJack: haha! Actually NO. Bribes and kickbacks are the short and easy road for those who don't know and don't bother to learn how to do business the Chinese way that will work in the long run without these problems cropping up and biting you.

Captain Motoko Kusanagi!!! Go Batou Go!

If anyone wants to know where the image comes from, it's from a publication called "Otacool - World Cosplay" Issue or something. Just saw it at a book stall today, wish i could flick though it (Curse plastic wrapping!).