
@Garro: Mate that lone Space Mareen wasn't any normal marine he was a Black Watch Marine! Elite short of the Grey Knights! While I'm grant he walk away with a little less damage then i would of liked, he did take 'em on close combat which Tau Crisis Suits which are weapon platforms not usually equipped with CQCB power

@Dehnus: RED GO FASTA'!

@Lyner: Really? I find Cantonese incredibly hard to learn! The spoken is nothing like the written, (Which is traditional kanji too!).

@Cheese Addict: That's because Hong Kong for all intended purposes is a City State! 2nd only to Singapore (Perhaps even better! Except we don't have our own indigenous Army...)!

@Phaz: b( -_-)b

@Phaz: Except Killeen is a plant Necromancer, so does she bring back UNDEAD PLANTS?!!

God Hates Nerds?

@qballdz: The Key word here is "Britain".

@ArrestedDeveloper: I think China burnt all their books, they just waiting till they get enuff to burn again! :]

@Spaceboy: That's what she said!

@whtspdr: Hey mate! !'m up in Shanghai this weekend for a a whole month from the free port of Hong Kong (HKFTW)!

@Recoil: Hey, that's what us Hong Kongers say! We count ourself lucky to be born in China yet have all the freedom we can shake a dog's bone at!

oh crap. I hope i don't get busted while carrying my PS3 and DS into Mainland, Shanghai.

@Dante_Ravenkin: shhuuush! what are you? a Relationship breaker?

@magnakaiser: LoL. It's like when Mainlanders come over the Hong Kong border and stand around dumbfounded looking at the Metro street map.