
@Filipe Gonçalves: I'm crossing my fingers that they'll release Google TV source code and allow anybody to use it. I mean what's a better way of justifying the release of Google TV then to show it flourish on the DIY Media PC scene crushing all the previous "failures"?

Hong Kong Cathay Pacific FTW!!!

Obviously this is optimised for Google TV, perhaps its the whole point of this!

@Filipe Gonçalves: Media Center? XMBC? Don't be silly, it's obvious that it's optimised for Google TV.

nice idea! However when i upgrade my mobile phone i'm getting a one that can wi-fi tether, so it would be a little pointless.


@LiC: Same goes for Nausica: Valley of The Wind, the film was just a reaser, once you read the manga, you can't believe they didn't make another three films just to fill you in on the amazing background and characters.

@Josh Young: You should watch Gunbuster and Macross SDF. Aura Battler Dunbine and Armour Trooper Votoms too. But prepare to hate it as much as you love it. Oh! And Space battleship Yamato".

@33rd°: compare yomiuri newspaper to Manga is overkill.

@Yamato: Aye Aye Skipper!

@hakujin1: ah, never tohught of that, i always carried my Airsoft in check baggage. Since I rarely fly to the USA every now and again i have to take it out and let the security people pose and play with it.

@beautifulbeast: If you can't see her "bobies"...then it defeats the whole point of Mecha Musumes! :]

@Protheros: I'm up for an upgrade and I've been eyeing the Galaxy S for a while now....this....well...I think I NEED IT NAO.


@Mariblanka: Nonsense, it's clearly Issac Newton's "The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms" (1728).