
@amazingmao: So true! Wish it was compulsory watching! :]


@jedimaster: Be grateful, if he answered honestly it would be very interesting, but then he'll have to kill you...and everyone else who read it.

@hakujin1: Airsoft weapons, don't have to be in a hard case, but then what's the point them?

@Zachonium: oh gawd....The truth hurts so much...

@fuchikoma:...meh. At leased I dont have to manually do my own taxes, it get deduced before I even have to stress or worry how much I'm being robbed! Plus I 'll never ever have to worry about being fined for not filing my Taxes on time or for tax fraud.

@KingFrog: ...and be forced to where a skirt and eat meat filled stomach haggis and deep fried chocolate bars and drink whiskey, pay 40% of my Taxes to Scottish residents to have a higher national welfare, while swearing allegiance to a Scottish Monarchy who can't even speak English properly?!

Thank you BBC, you just justified 10yrs of TV licence fee pried from my tight fisted low income wallet.

What?! Optimus Prime and Optimus CYLON?!

TEA? No just any Tea, MARTIAN TEA.

Macross Called it!

@OctaneHugo: Airliner Pilot of DOOM: Dammmn right! And if she whines about getting a cat as an alternative, give her slap and tell not to be silly, you don't want evil incarnated walking in your house...it's why we have dogs eh?!

@Toshi: Well ,thank you for the..erm...information.

@Sent from my toilet: I find it entirely fitting that we have a user with the Toilet in the its handle, talking about arses.

@Sugoi: 3DS! 3DS! :]