
@magnakaiser: dunno. haven't done it for ages.... i would do...if there was, you know SHIT TO BUY....

I think some people already mention it, but in Far East salary wage culture, is heavily dependable on performance.

@Celery: I think Steve Job's can think of a reason for you.

@Indy_aka_Rex: Exactly, they have to be battery focus as they can't really swap it out.

@Starlionblue: Don't be silly, Japanese Tv goes so far into insanity and absurdity it's actually watchable, in the car wreak pants wetting way.

@Square101: SERIOUSLY?!?! I thinking about getting Monster Hunter too!

@Szin: that's what she said!

@mindsale: didn't you save all your saved games on a SD Card?

@JakeMG: First step of enlightenment, is acknowledging you are an idiot, only then can you have progress....

@Curves: .....t....thank you.

@ShaughnTr0n: Get a PSP. seriously, here in the Far East just having ONE DS is abnormal.

@Machadaynu: Well as a long term England supporter, it's expected.

@metallicorphan: take it down, every time i see it i'll shed a tear....which would be dangerous as i drive a lot.

@Mikeh12: What about the 100 year War?

owen you cursed us! YOU CURSED UUUUSSSS!