@Kaiser-Machead: LOL!
@Kaiser-Machead: LOL!
@pist: news just in: people do shit for Money! ANYTHING!
@USB_Humping_Dog: High Five! :]
@Curves: You should set up plastic BB landmines that blow a combination of water/mud and/or plastic BB's when tripped.
@mrClint: pssshh...I heard California has plenty of cows! Just look at those udders!
@clearbox: but then, what's the point of having the ability of swapping out different mobile phone carrier in favour of cheaper local ones then to use your oversea's all-you-can-charge SIM card, that is the obvious real benefit of the SIM/GSM method over CDMA?
@Realityism: engadget.com?
everything looks better under "optimal condition" !!
@Chris Pratt: well, it has to go with the useless comments, naturally.
@Zonky: well, if the EVO battery scares you....
@somethinghead: I dunno about you, but i find a replaceable battery, very reassuring.
@freakshowtime: How is the battery it's weak point? Have you used the EVO in comparison with the iphone 4?
@skraelingshortbus: Replaceable battery.
@AdamKaoru: It kinda helps when iphone users only have a narrow vision.
@Drekonus: I dunno why we even talking about the EVO battery life, I mean, all you gotta do is SWAP IT OUT FOR A NEW ONE.
@clearbox: *hands clearbox a SIM cutter*
@snitch: yes it does.
@I see the light. It burns!: But it's for him, not for you.
@FriedPeeps: I dunno what they were trying to beat the Israelis soldiers with, but i suspect it was probably as effective as say, oh, a bag of rice or a loaf of bread. It's the only rational I have that every single one of them are dead.