
@Jeb_Hoge: No one said all activists were smart, sane or non-politically confrontational.

@geolemon: Thats what sh- eh, i give up.

@Weylund: Dammn, I think i've been getting away with murder here in HK! I only do the two hand receive with my parents and when I get money!

@Mex: 1GHz...........only?!

@medicmechanic: All he needs is that robotic arms/hands that bloke who invented the Segway, I saw him on youtube control an arm with his brainway or something, while he had his left arm restrained, it was impressive!

@wlchrbandit: welcome! you are now one of us kotakunese! :]


@Ursus-Veritas: You think that's bad? I recently moved to Hong Kong and during tea break, I saw the (New) THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE!

@fuchikoma: holy crap! that's almost the list of artist I listen too when i was in high school!

@DracoCross: Why were you watching porn of flying penises if you don't like it?

@Killer Toilet: Coming from a human waste eating entity that will eventually recycle yesterday's dinner into the world's ecosystem that will eventually end up back on my plate as edible food....how appropriate.