
Oh, I'm not stopping you from giving your opinion (obviously, it keeps pouring out). Go nuts. It continues to be a complete non-sequitur, though.

So does Riot just have a rather horrible time balancing their game? Cause this video makes it sound like instead of bringing the other characters up to the level of the OP characters or merely bring the OP characters down to the level of everyone else, they just routinely take a baseball bat to the knees of the OP

It's not about feeling emotional. It's about having human decency and also the difference between wanting to actually get answers to the questions you're asking rather than to just keep spreading the idea that people are faking these threats. If your actual goal is to discuss the topic, then you can do 60 seconds of

Gamergate, first coined by actor Adam Baldwin, is an amorphous campaign that is ostensibly about ethics in video game journalism and defending the "gamer" identity but has come under fire for its links to a wave of harassment, particularly of women, in gaming.

Fuck, yes!