
I personally like Lightning, and thought Vanille was not annoying. Know who i HATED, Snow. I dont see how people could think Vanille was annoying when that guy was in the game.

Beyond the bugs, the game is terrible and tedious. Bad art direction, bad voice acting, terrible story. Nothing really 'fun' about it, as the setting is bland genaric sci-fi. Dont even both with this game, wait for Star Conflict

Game: The Walking Dead [Telltale]

Well dont fear everyone that played Warhammer, there is a game coming eventually to sate our RvR tastes!

Basically this

Oh fuck that, she is my favorite english voice actress. If you remember they set up the 'Individual Eleven' and 'Stand Alone Complex' "movies" and they didnt use her. Couldnt watch it, SHE IS THE ENGLISH MAJOR- atleast to me

Lets be friends, i loved all of those Anime and i credit you with throwing that list togather on such short notice.

They arent disappearing. They have always existed as a minority, like in any form of media. I can name one right now, that is airing as we speak. Mikasa from Attack on Titan.

The fact of the matter is, that there has always been a 'need' to place women in a lesser role in many forms of media- both western and eastern.

Im not sure what the episode exactly is, but there is one where she encounters a body which 'appears' to be her first prostetic body. Chances are she was born as a woman, but you never know :]

The worst part is the game wasnt BAD at all. It was a good game, just was subpar for an FF game.

I found it funny

Not sure who you heard that from, but its completely untrue. I juts saved about 60% on a game bundle :]

Thats not really correct, i could build that PC you just listed for the same price [cheaper of i get parts during a newegg sale]

You must be looking to buy the computers from companies that mark up alot. Build one, and for the same price you can have a much more powerful peice of equipment than the console.

Actually time can easily cause face moles due to sun damage. THE MORE YOU KNOW.

I think shes very attractive :/

As another gay person, i agree with you. The sooner it starts NOT becoming 'news' the better.

The hit detection, isnt awful at all. Every weapon has a different range, radius, and skillset. Id chalk that up to inexperience with the game.

Not flaming, but sometimes you cant just pick up a game and expect it to feel the same as others.

Now playing

Did nobody think of Pizza the Hut?

Im 23 years old, and i still remember spaceballs .-.