
The video may be vertical, but at least the fan was 16:9

Seattle fans sure are gunning for the "most annoying" title, even though they really don't have the success to back it up like Pats and Steelers fans do.

He's not gay until he endorses the Reach-Around Doublecheck

Hey, welcome to the life of an Asian guy! If we're not that attractive, then we might as well be leper morlocks. If we're hot, then we're deemed good enough to be considered as attractive as average white guys.

Ummm, no. Black people don't have the patent on being oppressed by The Man. If you think that: learn your history. Chinese Exclusion act. Orientalism. Internment camps and the treatment of Japanese Americans in WWII. Vincent Chen. Open your eyes and look the fuck around you and quit playing those damn