
But what if, years later, you still saw the behavior as flattering and ultimately harmless?

Exactly how I feel. I won’t be seeking out these photos and still harbor guilt over seeing the photos from Lenny Kravitz’s wardrobe malfunction. If I think that it's a violation to see leaked photos of female celebs, it seems hard not to extend the same logic to Bieber, his asshole nature notwithstanding.

The point is "Charles C. Johnson is a repulsive piece of shit"

I just can't buy the argument that kids pick these things up from the culture; if that were true, why would any kid have issues with their gender identity? Surely they would just soak up all those gender messages and get "fixed", right? I was born with an obsession with princessiness, and a hatred of all things

@Mad-Hobo: Yeah I liek effeminate men.

@zerokoolpsx wants some new games: Apparently I look feminine even though I dress in 100% male clothes. I've been hit on a few times, you have no idea how awkward that is. Sometimes if like a store clerk or something gives me a "Can I help you, miss?" I'll alter my voice a little just to avoid the awkwardness. :(

@Kyosuke_Nanbu: Yeah it's pretty unfair that women have so many options. They can wear almost anything that is typical men's clothing, and nobody raises an eyebrow. Men are extremely limited in that sense.

@Kyosuke_Nanbu: And that doesn't even cover the variety of each. I actually went shopping tonight looking for some new shirts. It's so difficult finding stuff that every other guy out there isn't wearing because it all looks the same.

Well its not fair that girls get so much clothing to choose from.