
On some level I know that there are actual lyrics to Tusk, but if you asked me to tell you what they are you would definitely get the Werewolf closing credits.

It is wild to me to imagine places where people really care about hotdogs.

I ended up coming to read this article because Rotten Tomatoes considers a C+ to be rotten, but the blurb didn’t match. The film’s score is right at 80% overall, which by my count would be just a point or two higher than the score Katie gave it.

I like to bring up a playlist of Movies with Mikey episodes on my phone of while I’m in game and imagine what might have been.

3rd Gear - I don’t get China sometimes. You’re worried about competition in an over saturated market? I have good news! You’re a totalitarian government! You can pick the winners! Figure out which three or four companies are making the best electric cars and tell the others to pound sand, subsidize to the point every

I think the wildcard could actually be a great storytelling tool if they give it hard rules and enforce them. First: A hard limit on numbers. One for RAW, one for Smackdown, that’s all. Second: They need to be a physical objects, mcguffins for wrestlers to fight over (maybe another briefcase? Some sort of armband?).

I’m honestly more of a fan of the Top Guys now than I ever was before. It takes a lot more guts to go out on TV and really sell a bit where you’re the but of a joke. The bit was garbage, but Dawson and Wilder sold it so hard you can’t help but appreciate them.

“that the event is “elitist” in that it costs money to attend the race”

Here’s one to watch for in the future: When they actually bring Lacey Evans into the ring (rather than just weirdly wandering around so Vince McMahon can ogle her) word is the plan is for her to feud with Asuka. Think about that for a minute - The Japanese woman and the pinup girl... Definitely not an angle that might

I find a beautiful symmetry in the fact that the first recommended article off of this one: Final Fantasy XI Boss Takes At Least 18 Hours To Beat” is from 2008. 

They added Bone Shaker to FH4 in this season’s Forzathon Shop, and with some minor upgrades and tweaks it’s one of the most fun drives in the game. Bonus: if you win the Bone Shaker challenge series vs expert driveatars before Autumn ends (there’s three days left, I think) you can get a skeleton morph suit for your

If it keeps mooing and running away when I try to take a bite that might be slightly too rare. 

My thought during Denmark’s performance is that I would definitely go see the Broadway show with that as the penultimate number in act 2. I could totally picture it as a big, f-off, Les Mis style production number with rocking longboats, acrobatic mast climbing, and several dozen stomping vikings; rather than just

Pepe Saliva is my favorite Jojo’s character.

You’ve hit on exactly the reason I prefer to DM. I get to roll up new characters all the time. Some of them might just show up once to give the party info, but if I hit on something I really like I treat them like a tertiary TV character. The team needs to infiltrate a masked ball? Dame Shandra can get them in, but

Don’t think it has to be something fancy. My “salt cellars” are a pair of round 1.5 pint ziploc containers. The point is to have something that lets you keep salt handy and in a container you can measure from.

I know this isn’t going to make me Mr. Popular around here, but I’m partial to CVTs, so my answer would be 1 gear (or no gears, or gears approaching infinity, depending on how you look at it).

In current MH suiciding (or just accidentally backing off a ledge because of a complete lack of spacial awareness, not that I’d know anything about that) doesn’t change your character. I imagine it was implemented just too prevent the kind of scenario you’re talking about.

I’m another person who plays MH almost exclusively, and the only real problem to me is how easy it is for a losing team to get completely on tilt. Since ult percentage doesn’t carry over, if the deaths start stacking up on one side you can get steamrolled pretty quick. Even if you hit a good comp if you’re coming back

CLAMP has stated that they reused the characters from CCS for Tsubasa and xxxholic (which are directly connected narratively) in the style of Osamu Tezuka’s “star system”: treating the characters as actors typecast into roles rather than the exact same character.