Ship name Tortion? Pronounced like torsion?
Ship name Tortion? Pronounced like torsion?
My question is: Will Target also respect Thanksgiving (particularly it’s employees ability to enjoy the holiday) by not opening their stores for “Black Friday” at 6pm on Thursday?
“where are the next generation of automotive enthusiasts even going to come from?”
People I’ve recommended it to before have found the initial set-up unintuitive, but once you get past that hurdle DoggCatcher is still the best Android podcast app. It may not have the bells and whistles of some apps (it’s Android only, there’s no: cloud sync, web-app, automatic settings backup, etc.), but if you just…
So most key locks are insecure and most“smart” locks are insecure. What about keypad based locks without a network connection? Or, more to the point I guess, is there an option that is properly secure and won’t cost me $200 per lock?
While not as spectacular as any of these, I found a great way to beat the Ne’ez Yeoman shrine (where you have to guide a ball down a ramp with cryonis). If you put a bomb just behind and to the right of the ball’s on it’s start pillar you can blow it up onto the catwalk above. It will roll down to the starting area,…
Ahhh... this was your human sarcasm, yes? Please forgive my misunderstanding.
What do you mean “Somehow”? “White man” appeared in the headline not ten words earlier.
I won’t be satisfied until it responds to “Hey, asshole.”.
Wait. That’s SSJ3?! Dang it! I was hopping by SSJ3 his hair would grow back and he’d have a spiky gold mohawk!
EDIT: Was supposed to be a general comment not sure how it ended up as a reply to mfusion.
It’s always bugged me that many species of Pokemon are given backstories that when taken on an individual basis are kinda sad, but taken all together are horrifying. All the way back to Cubone: an individual pokemon who cries and wears its dead mother’s skull is tragic; every female Marowak overcoming their sadness to…
Do you think that the potatoes might have mashed better if cooked at a smaller cut, or would that exacerbate the sliding problem? I usually do a ~1/2" dice for my pan cooked mashers.
I just noticed that the can in that image is labeled upside down.
I’ll just throw this out there: Most of the Troma movies are available with Prime Instant Streaming, also: Tremors, Let the Right One In (subtitled OR dubbed), The Faculty, An American Werewolf in London, Troll Hunter, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Carrie, Troll, The Witches, and Jack Frost (both the horror movie…
If you have a cable subscription (I know that’s a big if, maybe ask an encorded family member for their username/password?) TCM’s Star of the Month is Christopher Lee. TCM has an online streaming service ( phone apps, so the Christopher Lee Hammer films you can stream are: The Curse of…
The $15 in savings over the Dot is just the start (actually the savings will start later because you’re going to need about $40 in parts before the Pi gets really useful, but in the end the savings can be HUGE).
For my wife and I the meal service we use solves three basic food problems that have plagued us for a decade: lack of organization, ruts, and indecision. When we sit down to try and plan a menu it is incredibly hard to come up with things we want to eat, using ingredients we can get easily and won’t have to throw out…
I haven’t done a thorough exploration, but I would bet there are sports anime that cover pretty much every Olympic event. Off the top of my head: Slam Dunk*, Prince of Tennis**, Giant Killing***, Yowamushi Pedal****, Yawara!, Major*****, Super Yo-Yo, and Hajime no Ippo