If cottage cheese is cheese curds with some whey removed if you add whey to it isn’t that just clotted cream by other means?
If cottage cheese is cheese curds with some whey removed if you add whey to it isn’t that just clotted cream by other means?
Top notch article. It really gets at all of the emotional resonance in the show.
To make the mixing easier (and possibly help the texture)I suggest turning the garlic and salt into homemade garlic paste first:
You left out the update that has evolved Modern Pentathlon into Future Pentathlon: Laser Pistols. Of course, they’re essentially just carefully calibrated laser pointers mounted inside an air pistol, but still: LASER PISTOLS!
It’s nice to know I can pin something to all desktops, but can I attach a program to a specific desktop?
It’s not a replacement for a proper vacuum, but for hard surfaces I don’t think you can get better ROI than the DirtDevil Simpli-Stick. It’s lightweight, powerful, and often sells for less than $20. Yes, it’s a corded stick/hand-vac, so you still need a vacuum for carpets. No, it will never win a Red Dot award, but if…
It’s not a replacement for a proper vacuum, but for hard surfaces I don’t think you can get better ROI than the…
I lean toward snipers. No increase in Strength, Endurance, or Charisma; Perception: 9, Agility: 7, and Luck: 6; and the last two into Intelligence so I can start crafting right off the bat. Err... rifle.
I know it’s not cool, flashy, or packed with features, but I’d like to put in a vote for the classic Lasko 3733 (sometimes called the GALAXY) box fan. It’s got a sturdy metal box, moves a lot of air, and can be picked up pretty much anywhere for less than the cost of a large supreme pizza. It fits well in the opening…
I know it’s not cool, flashy, or packed with features, but I’d like to put in a vote for the classic Lasko 3733…
Huh. I was always given to understand that the 'a' essentially made it the opposite, but then the term incorporeal wouldn't make any sense I guess. My bad.
The word you want here is corporal meaning "of the body" as opposed to corporeal meaning "of the spirit".
I totally agree. I've never used the Commute, but my Command has been rock solid every day for a couple of years. I work in IT and I've really put this thing through the ringer: often overloaded, regularly exposed to bad weather, and occasionally filled with dusty old parts after they've been replaced. The Command has…
My firewall is indicating GIMPshop may have a virus, and that made me wonder: Will Chocolatey subvert my virus protection system? Does the service have any sort of built in virus protection?
I've been watching through the CBC's webpage (already have a VPN account for other online media viewing), and the experience has almost been enough to make me pay for cable. There's no technical issues: video looks fine, access is very comprehensive, and pages load pretty quickly even after the VPN. My problem is, on…
EDIT: Posted a copy to imgur so as not to steal that site's bandwidth. I found it here: Gravity Daze Wallpaper
For my wife's birthday a couple of years ago I made a pseudo-mousse with heavy cream, Nutella, and unflavored gelatin. If you're worried about raw egg you could consider that route.
Maybe it's just me, but I feel like the pocket tool I want just doesn't exist. I'm in IT, and I know we're not exactly a prime focus of the tool industry, but if, say, ifixit ever made a multi-tool I hope they would do something like this:
It's too warm to make my Thyme and Time Again Slow-Cooker Beef Stew, and I don't have any pictures of it, but I'll hit the high points:
I'm another VZW Galaxy Nexus user. I'll give up my unlimited data when they pry it from my broken arthritis riddled thumbs, even if my I'm pretty sure Galaxy Nexus has a radio pulled out of grandpa's '68 Rambler American.
My question is: If I summon Mr. Mxyzptlk can I sen him away by requesting Kltpzymx?