The Rangers helped a lot, since the pitches he saw were (in order) up, up, down, down, left, right, left and right in his first Batting Attempt at the start of the game.
The Rangers helped a lot, since the pitches he saw were (in order) up, up, down, down, left, right, left and right in his first Batting Attempt at the start of the game.
This isn't the first time that Greg's dropped to the ground before finishing
Ribéry is one of the world's best attacking threats. Horrifying with the ball at his feet
Much better tackler than his cousin, Lito.
River Forest: the town that posture forgot.
That's not Brandon Jennings. He didn't hold onto it for 20 seconds before trying to pass it as a last resort.
My dad always said, "If you've lived in a fame bubble for 30+ years and you don't have a sceptre, perhaps you should re-examine your life". I think dad lucked out on that homily, though.
They'll say he was a better-than-average dad but lament his emotional range factor.
Not sure this little guy is going to be much help...
Wow one sentence and I can't even get it right...
Interestingly enough, Milton Bradley also said the ball should be treated like your wife
Oh, great. Now he's breaking the unwritten rules of physics.
My dog Hrbark will love it. The guy really knows how to lift a leg.
Oh Tim, you're so naive. The Cavs, LeBron's former team, got the 1st pick. The Heat, Lebron's current team, got the 26th pick. 1-26? Do I have to spell it out for you? It's the number of letters in the alphabet. Now, let's break down that word, "alphabet." Al, a popular name. Pha, a phonetic spelling of a…
You may not have been in there in the first place if you had been a little more skilled on the courts.
"TMI, bro. TMI."
"Why I'm DEFINITELY Not Gay, You Faggott"
Kase: Teach me how to rock a bow tie, be a totally douchey internet tough guy, get knocked the fuck out and still manage to pay to have the October Piggly Wiggly Des Moines Calendar girl pose with you like she likes you.
Agreed. Samer needs to put more thrust behind his hips, and try it with a human instead of a mattress.
Yawn. Alan Wiggins could get way higher.