
I’ma let you finish, but I just wanna say that the Sprouse brothers may be the most well-adjusted child stars of all-time, fam.

You must be a millennial* because you didn’t have the attention span to read Silver’s quote where he uses millenials’ attention spans as an excuse for speeding up the end of games. See, the headline is a joke, because blaming millenials’ attention spans instead of the root cause is stupid.

Could’ve just left his name as is. It’s Ku Klux not Klu Klux.

Gotcha. It was hard to infer that connection by just saying “this article” instead of “Pareene’s writing” or something like that.

I’m having a hard time comprehending the logic of this sentence. This political article is bad, which makes deadspin, the publisher of the political article, better at politics than Gawker was at politics?

Dario is more earnest than Jim Varney.

I never saw The Impossible, but El Orfanato literally had me on the edge of my seat the whole time.

Now playing

You’d’ve enjoyed yourself for at least a little bit if Ricky Rubio were your coach.

Are all the women ESPN anchors?

“I watched the first few episodes” and confidently made my judgment of an incredible 121-episode animated series. lol ok.

He traveled (in a different NBA-circulated highlight).

You don’t because you’re thinking of Tre Waynes.

Those are two separate arguments, though. Gun control advocates want better background checks, loopholes closed and extremely limited-to-remove of access to assault rifles. Despite the NRA narratives to drum up opposition during election and bill-voting times, no serious lobbyist or policy maker is advocating that a

Aw, man. Why is Delta garbage? (other than the general reasons that every airline is kinda garbage)

Maybe a little too passive-aggressive, but it’d’ve been great for him to spend the whole flight teaching his son about kleptocracy and nepotism.

It’s exactly what it sounds like and it’s $600.

Surprised he didn’t go with Robbert Baron. 

Eh, I don’t know how he can be responsible for tanking Noel’s trade value when all Noel’s done this year is complain, then get hurt for 2 months, then complain some more.

Of course an LSU star is going to skip the Citrus Bowl.