
You’re preposterous. The Sixers have been laughable for what, two years? They’ll be a 30-win team next year and, potentially, keep getting better.

You’re wrong, too. There’s no right way, just making good moves and hoping that they work. Hinkie is making great moves for what he has to work with.

I think the point of view of Hinke is that they’ll go from being an extremely mediocre team to being young and terrible to being able to contend for a championship after several years. That’s why Brown got 5 years guaranteed and they take the best pick available while waiting in the shadows to raid cash-clearing teams

See Oklahoma City/Seattle. Essentially had nothing, lucked into durant, stockpiled, got Westbrook, harden and ibaka (and not good Cole Aldrich) in the first round of subsequent drafts ; became a contender.

I agree that there need to be more pieces on why JJ Redick plays basketball with all that goop in his hair.

Do not try to sing “Bills, Bills, Bills.” You know the chorus, you may know even know all the lyrics by heart, but you will fail every time trying to nail that cadence.

The Betsy Ross flag had 13 stars for the 13 colonies.

There’s no way anyone had great thoughts about his shoes.

Well, 1) they might’ve been her kids, and 2) kind of seems like misogny to suggest a badass woman can only be a badass unwilling to mentally and/or emotionally crack at the terrible sight of undead children coming to murder you and everything else in the world?

The Bears then did everyone a favor by eating John Salmons.

Better ice those knees, Perk. You gotta be ready the next time you’re needed to play 5 minutes in a 30-point blowout.

I can’t believe Ryan would embarrass himself like that on a global platform like this. I mean, seriously, you’re gonna use a possessive apostrophe to pluralize a proper noun?

Gretchen, stop trying to make Young Thug happen.

Yeah, yeah, bad team gets its bad team pick and doesn’t game the system like your projection of them, but you have to appreciate Hinkie’s pragmatic response to people hoping the Sixers would luck into the 1st, 6th and 11th picks this year: “Why don’t we just wish we’re 9 feet tall while we’re at it?”

I also want to know what Hitler Yourh was in charge of giving Fredbird blue eyes.

It was super off-putting, but if they’re going to go through with the marriage, how is this sadistic nightmare of a scene not a logical outcome of marrying Ramsay? And doesn’t the end frame, moreso than focusing on Theon’s pain instead of ignoring the trauma being inflicted on Sansa, stand to show that it’ll be the

Some of us do!

Ki-Jana Carter

Jahvid Best

Don’t you drag Gene down just because Bobby sucks.