
I bet he wishes he didn't hit that first drive so baddeley.

Officials didn't have enough to charge Wells with rape, so they settled for inappropriate Huggins.

Who's got money that the ref in question has Joey Crawford on his Christmas card list?

I just fell asleep. I don't know if it's because that video is so boring, or because I'm on a date with Darren Sharper.

Hmm. Maybe. But are the East Coast kids more dickish at Michigan than the other kids?

Penn State is considered a public ivy? I would never have guessed that from the quality of minds I knew who went there...

Get ready to see the falling-off-the-chair shot about a thousand times over the next few weeks, including in the "One Shining Moment" montage.

I was watching live at work, and that was probably the hardest I've ever had to to try and suppress an enormous, bellowing "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!"

I could be wrong but I always feel like the people who trash talk 90s NBA basketball didn't actually watch 90s NBA basketball (because they're too young) and are making second/third-hand judgments.

[Phone rings, Jim Boeheim answers]

Now all they need is an unimaginative offensive coord-wait

seems to me that she has no idea what the word means.

In 4th grade, before I had any understanding of what it meant, I saw the swastika somewhere and, like you, just thought it was cool looking. I spent the bus ride home drawing 50ish swastikas all over my sneakers. Never had I seen my mother flip the fuck out as hard as I did that night when I proudly showed off my new

In the fourth grade I made my mother a fired clay coffee mug with a giant red swastika on side. I had no idea what it meant, just thought it looked cool. Nobody said a word to me about it, but everyone acted really weird. I didn't know what was going on, and was kinda hurt that my mom didn't put the mug out on

In sixth grade, I used that term not knowing what it meant or that it was racist — I didn't even know where I'd heard it. My teacher absolutely tore into me (and rightly so!), but failed to actually tell me why I was getting in trouble, so I had to wait until I got home to ask my parents, since I didn't dare even

Except when you are party to a collective bargaining agreement, it is spelled out in the contract how salary disputes are handled (in this case, arbitration.)

Given his orgy tape and now this revelation, one thing seems clear. Dude fucks a lot better than he runs the football.

I wouldnt worry about it.

I can see at least three things that have blown up because of a pregnancy here.