
An addon to the graph where the % of emission compound is multiplied by its relative greenhouse-ness would be useful.

The issue will be ping and the user's connection, not the server capacity.

These seem to fit nicely for me - I have noticed double-images in all that I have seen of the former list, and none in the latter. I had just thought that this was a dodgy projectionist before.

Seen Life of Pi?

Sale numbers alone are not the only important thing for LG

You don't know this, and work on Gizmodo?

Do you appreciate the bandwidth required to do that, and how few people could possibly play the games which use any serious amount of cloud processing? A huge amount, and very very few, respectively. Not gonna happen for a long time.

Careful with Guinness, it's pretty extreme.

It tastes pretty vile, though.

This is surely one of the least appropriate rides to use dubstep to?

Could you have a quality setting (or use.... Youtube!) so that we don't need a fast connection to actually watch the video? That would be so great :)

It's a shame nobody got mad at you. A surprise, as well...

Wouldn't it be so much easier and so much less in-your-face if you just stuck some unpowered glow-in-the-dark stuff over the star?

It is living, and it is human. But so is every cell in your body, including the millions of cells on your skin or oesophagus that are shed every day. Do they matter? Every time a guy jerks off he's wasting a vast number of cells, all containing his genetic information. There are millions of times as many of these

Sounding like a tin-foil hat kinda guy with comments like these...

But if Harper Collins are selling though Apple's store, aren't Apple allowed to talk prices? Not so cool if they made a separate HC store charge the same as Apple, but that isn't what happens, right?

Five years ago they had some interesting stories that they would investigate and write themselves. Now they repost reddit and youtube videos almost exclusively, and their 'big features' are covering tech conventions. I'm so disappointed at how poor the quality has become over the past year or two.

But you have to kill it before it starts developing, or its cells become more and more useless. Do you think it's a problem if there are only three different types of cell in the embryo, and it dies?

There are very few genes in mtDNA, and they're the same in all of us, pretty much. It gets interesting here, though, because mitochondrial genetic diseases could be 'cured' by transferring the mother's egg's nucleus, fertilised by the father, into a surrogate enucleated egg, with healthy mitochondria.

Shh! You're ruining the trademarked Gizmodo computer non-factual style!